In this short guide, we will walk you through adding new content ("works") to your existing split sheets with your collaborators. It's pretty simple!
1) Login to your Cosynd account and click on "Add To An Existing Agreement" on your dashboard.
2) Tell us what kind of copyright you created.
3) Provide the title of your copyright and choose a more specific copyright type.
Read more about work types:
4) Select a team you've worked with before.
5) Under "Add work(s) to an existing agreement," choose the agreement you want to add to.
6) Review the agreement to make sure it is the one you want to add your new work(s) to.
Cosynd will insert a new, temporary table into your agreement that contains the ownership splits that you want to propose for this work.
- Do you want the work to have the same ownership splits shown? If not, click on "edit" to propose new a new split structure for this work.
- Do you want to change the roles of your collaborators? You can change this later in this process or you can exit the process now to change roles. Click here to learn how to do this.
- Review the full text of your agreement by clicking on "View Agreement Text"
- Remember the Terms Summary may not be entirely accurate if this agreement was redlined by an attorney in the past. Review the full agreement text before proceeding.
7) If you clicked "edit" in step 4, click on each collaborator's name to enter your proposed ownership splits for this work here.
8) Take a moment to review your proposed addition and click on "Send" to send it to your collaborators to review.
9) Your collaborator will review your agreement and will be able to accept your terms or propose new ones. The next time you open your agreement from your dashboard, you will see the following options:
Read more about agreements:
- How do I propose changes to an agreement?
- How do I view all of the proposed changes to an agreement?
- How do I invite an attorney to review my agreement?
- What is a redline?
- How do I accept a change to the text of an agreement (redline)?
10) If there are no further changes, you will need to finalize your agreement so that your collaborators can sign it.
Click to allow you and your collaborators to sign the agreement. Once this happens, you will not be able to edit this agreement further.
Read more:
11) Sign your agreement.
To sign your agreement, choose "Sign" as your status update.
12) Sign your name in the popup window that appears to add your signature to this agreement.
You can type your signature, draw your signature, or upload an image of your signature to sign your agreement. After signing, click on "Exit" to save your signature.
We recommend that you download your agreement by clicking on "Agreements" from the main menu after it has been fully signed - it will have all of the signatures, names, and addresses of your entire team. Agreements can be deleted if you accidentally delete a team or if one of your collaborators deletes the agreement, so you should download each one for your own records.
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